Psychic Phenomena- Bella Speaks

 I wanted to write about weird things that have happened to me personally and how it fits in with what I have learned about the "unseen" world.  I know that weird things have happened to others as well and would like to hear about people's experiences.  I think it's all fascinating and even more so to discover that others have also had the same experience. 

Since my other writings have been about horses I wanted to share some of my psychic horse experiences first.  My most cherished experience was with my horse Bella.  We have communicated on rare occasions and I am not sure why it doesn't happen more often, only that it happens at times when there is a lot of emotion tied to what's happening...I think.  Before I say any more, let me mention the fact that I have read quite a few books about people who can communicate with animals or horses.  I have also read a few books on training where the author mentioned that they were sure that the horse could read their mind.  This idea was already planted in my mind when the event happened that I am about to relate. 

Bella is a mustang gathered off the range by the BLM.  She was 8 when they collected her, so a bit past her prime training years.  She remained skittish especially towards human stuff like vehicles and equipment, and anything not natural.  I spent nearly every day with her, though, and eventually was able to ride her (my other blog tells the story).   However she had a strong fear of hay stacking machines, a kind of vehicle that can be driven on the road that picks up bales out of the pasture, holds them in a stack and can set the stack where ever you want it. 

One day I was riding her in the arena at the place she was boarded at.  The arena sat next to a fairly busy road, and low and behold a hay stacker was coming down the road.  She took off as soon as she saw it, galloping for her pen.  I hung on, thinking she would stop at the pen, and most embarrassingly, I did not take control of her.  Instead of stopping at the gate to her pen, she whirled back around 180 degrees and I came off pretty hard right into the gate post.  My helmet was dented, my shirt torn off, my back injured.  I had a concussion. 

It took me several weeks to recover enough to ride again.  I was afraid of her and riding in the arena.  But I had wanted a horse for so long there was no way I would give up.  I had to get over the fear.  So I saddled up Bella and took her to the round pen to feel things out before going back to the arena.  I decided to practice emergency dismounts, which entails hugging the horse's neck and sliding to the ground.  I rode Bella for awhile, sensing that she was nervous too, but she gamely did everything I requested of her.  And then I did my first emergency dismount, on the off (right hand) side of her.  This is not the side one normally mounts and dismounts from, and it's the same side I had fallen off of her.

As soon as I hit the ground, she began to shake and sweat with fear!  I stood there and stroked her neck and started to cry.  I wondered why she was so upset.  The answer glided into my mind but was not my thought.  It came quickly, almost all at once so that I had to untangle it in a manner of speaking. The answer was, "I didn't want to hurt you, I don't know how you fell off!  I am sorry, don't want to hurt you!" 

Had she just spoken to me?  Yes, yes, I could see how she was physically showing me and telling me in my mind at the same time.  I tried to communicate back to her that I forgave her, and that she should forgive me too for being a bad rider.  Bella gives hugs, so we stood there hugging each other.   

After that I would like to say that we communicated many other times, but there were only two other times - the first time I had to leave her for two weeks for a trip.  I could feel her missing me very strongly.  The second time I will discuss later as it falls in to a different category.  The funny thing is, Bella won't get into a trailer (also another story, a LONG story) and I have asked her and begged her and nearly had to put her down because I couldn't move her away from where she was.  I have never received a communication from her as to why she won't get in, what bothers her, etc.  If you are a horse trainer, I KNOW what you are thinking ("did you do such-and-such?" and yes, you name it  I have done it!  I promise I will write down the entire episode for future reference). 

I had a communication one other time from a horse I was working with, and again it was a very fast kind of stream of words.  She had something to say about why she wasn't learning what I was trying to teach her.  I was able to have a short, one-time conversation with her, but again that was it.  We never spoke again although I rode her for several years.  

I have no doubt that I "spoke" to those horses, or heard them.  I know it wasn't my thoughts, I know it came from somewhere else.  I am not sure why it works so sporadically.  Sometimes I get strong impressions or feelings but have heard no words in a long time.  If anyone else has had similar experiences, I would love to hear about them.  Please comment or drop me an email.


  Wendy Holmdahl Fields

February 12, 2011 at 5:57 PM

I've never heard/felt actual words from an animal, but I've always felt that I have a connection with horses that other people don't. The thing is, I don't ride them. I hate riding horses. I can sit on a fence and watch horses in the pasture for hours, but I hate riding. After years of disgust with myself, I finally understood that it's because I myself hate to be tied down and forced to do something. When a horse is acting anxious or skittish, I know what it's going through, because I've been there before myself. I always thought I'd make a good horse whisperer, except that I'd just whisper "Go and be free!" and turn them back out into the wild.
As far as psychic stuff goes, Alex was my mind reader when he was little. I'd be driving home from work with him strapped in the backseat, and I'd be thinking--NOT saying aloud "Should I make spaghetti or just order a pizza for supper?" And Alex would say "Mommy, just get a pizza. A cheese pizza." The next week, he might say, "Tomato soup is my favorite!" because that's what I was planning, in my head, to cook. Or if I was thinking about a friend or someone in the family, Alex would ask about them. I've heard that young children are open to reading minds, but that as we age, we lose it somehow. If we could channel that innocence, that true open-mindedness, we might be able to regain psychic ability too.